What is Mosadaqa E-Service for Saudi Embassy Attestation?

Mosadaqa is an online platform established by the Saudi Arabian government to facilitate the Saudi Embassy attestation process for various educational documents, including Degree, Diploma and course completion certificate, through digital means. The platform aims to streamline and digitize the Degree Attestation procedures and making it more accessible and efficient for individuals and organizations needing document verification in Saudi Arabia. SUblime attestation provides Mosadaqa procedure for the Saudi Embassy attestation in Delhi NCR.

Mosadaqa Digital Online offers document verification, authentication, and attestation services, primarily catering to educational certificates and degrees. It acts as an intermediary platform that receives, reviews, and processes documents submitted by individuals seeking degree attestation from the Saudi Embassy in India, Saudi Cultural Attaché or other relevant authorities in Saudi Arabia.

Key features of the Mosadaqa E-service for Saudi Arabia includes:

  • Automated and consolidated workflow for certificate verification, simplifying the process and ensuring efficiency.
Mosadaqa procedure for the Saudi Embassy attestation
  • Collaborative integration with a number ofuniversities in India to furnish comprehensive certificate verification details to stakeholders.
  • Expedited handling of certificate verification requests, significantly reducing processing times.
  • Extensive reach across 50 countries for the Mosadaqa E-Service, offering certificate verification solutions worldwide.
  • Specialized verification services for all high-level degree certificates, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
  • Applicants receive a certificate verification decision that remains valid indefinitely within Saudi Arabia, providing long-term convenience and assurance.

Procedure for Saudi Embassy Attestation Via MOSADAQA:

  • State HRD : The very first stage to initiate Degree Attestation for Saudi Arabia is to get it attested by respective State HRD Attestation. At this stage, the competent local state HRD section initiates a verification at issuing university/board and further attests the document.
  • Online Apostille : After obtaining state authentication, the document is further forwarded to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to get apostille sticker. For Saudi Arabia, an online apostille sticker with a unique barcode is acceptable.
  • MOSADAQA Application : Post getting degree/diploma attested by MEA, applicant is supposed to handover all documents as per the given checklist and make necessary payments. Once appropriate documents are received, we will carry out the online process of MOSADAQA. The MOSADAQA dept. will send an email request to the concern university to cross-check document’s genuinity. As soon as concern university replies positively to the request, MOSADAQA issues final report to the candidate. This final report needs to be attached with the degree to confirm its credibility at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Note: If candidate is intending to get attestation on Master’s degree, his bachelor will be attested too. Separate fee will be charges in such cases.

What documents are required to get Saudi Embassy Attestation via MOSADAQA

Here is the list of documentsrequired for degree certificate attestation for Saudi Arabia :

  • Original Degree/Diploma – Must be attested by State HRD & MEA Apostille.
  • Passport copy including first & last page.
  • Copies of all semester mark sheets of related course.
  • Course Regn. No and Overall CGPA.
  • PAN &Adhar Copy.
  • Preparatory Year (if available).

Where to find reliable Saudi Embassy Attestation Services via MOSADAQA for Degree Attestation in India:

Here are some steps involved in applying for Saudi Embassy degree attestation via the Mosadaqa digital online platform:

  • Leave A Query: Applicants must submit an enquiry to our platforms. Enquiry can be submitted by visiting www.sublimeattestation.com and connect over call on +91 9773710889, 9354457271. Our executive will get in touch and advise you the best possible way to streamline the process.
  • Submit Documents: Submit scanned copies of the required documents, including passport, national identification card, officially authenticated certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the degree-issuing country, and transcripts.
  • Make Payment: Make 50% pre-payment on requested bank details to initiate the process. Remaining payments can be done post completion of entire work.
  • Electronic Verification by MOSADAQA: SACA (Saudi Authority for Accredited Certificate Attestation) electronically attests the certificates through the Mosadaqa platform.

However, it's crucial to note that even after the electronic attestation by SACA, foreign nationals are still required to manually complete the second step in the attestation process.

This involves physically attesting their degree at the Saudi Embassy or Consulate in their degree-issuing country.

Getting your degree attestation for Saudi Arabia via Mosadaqa is crucial but integral process to pursue opportunities in Saudi Arabia. By following the prescribed process and guidelines, you can ensure that your documents are recognized and valid for official purposes in the Kingdom. For further assistance and specific information, contact the respective Saudi Arabia Embassy in Mumbai.

At Sublime Attestation & Visa Services Pvt. Ltd., we excel in Degree Attestation services for Saudi Arabia. Our dedicated team in New Delhi, Mumbai, Tamil Naidu, Karnataka, , Gujarat, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and remaining part of India ensures reliable Saudi Embassy Attestation on your Degree/Diploma certificates. We offer cost-effective solutions for Degree and Diploma Attestation, streamlining your work visa processing. With a proven track record in Saudi Embassy Attestation in PAN India, we efficiently and quickly handle your Educational Certificate Attestation via Mosadaqa needs for Saudi Arabia.

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Mosadaqa procedure for the Saudi Embassy attestation