This categories includes attestation of Original Degree, Diploma from respective authority as well as from Saudi Arabian Cultural Attach (SACA) to ensure use of educational certificates inside the Kingdom without any hassle. Before starting the process of Degree Attestation for Saudi Arabia, it is compulsory to get the educational documents attested from the respective State's HRD (Human Resource Department) and Online Apostille Attestation for Saudi Arabia. After MEA Attestation a Verification procedure of the document will be initiated to the respective issuing authority of the document from the Cultural Attaché of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Once the university reverts back the verification report to SACA, the sticker is pasted at the backside of the document as SACA Attestation. Saudi Cultural Attestation is considered as the last stage of Attestation on educational certificates for Saudi Arabia.
The personal certificates include Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate, Divorce Certificate, Health Certificate, Power of Attorney. The attestation procedure of personal documents contains Arabic Translation of the original document, after the Arabic Translation of the source document, both the original and the translated documents goes for the regional authentication or SDM (Sub-Divisional Magistrate) , moving forward for MEA Apostille Attestation as final attestation process.
The Company related certificates such as financials, Incorporation certificates, Balance Sheet, Agency Agreement, Trade License etc. are required to be attested by the Saudi Embassy in India if any Indian Company exchanges business with a Saudi National Firm. On other hand, the same may be asked of an Indian company expanding itself in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
All you need to do is provide your details below application form.
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